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Right Now: Watch the New 'Twin Peaks' Teaser

There's no pie or damn good coffee, but David Lynch still leaves us craving more.
Screencaps via

While it's little more than a 50-second reminder that David Lynch's cult classic Twin Peaks is still more than a year away, the show's new teaser is still a thrill. Lynch is co-writing the new season with original collaborator Mark Frost, directing every episode himself, and has wrangled Kyle MacLachlan back into his role as FBI Agent Dale Cooper, meaning he doesn't have to do much to entice diehard Laura Palmer fans.


Most of what the clip shows us misty Pacific Northwestern mountains—instantly recognizable from Twin Peaks' trademark sweeping cinematography—and the iconic "Welcome to Twin Peaks" road sign being reinstalled. Echoing the sentiment, Deputy Hawk (a.k.a. actor Michael Horse) waxes eloquent about atmosphere and location. "There's a lot of holy places up here, a lot of sacred places," Horse says. "It just touches something in the psyche, like being in a moving painting."

The calm repose explodes into a spine-chilling abstract shot of what could be a blurrified Lynch—or could be a clue to thicken the new season's plot. Look at that below, and start counting the days until its 2017 showtime debut.


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