This story is over 5 years old.


Cantoni & Crescenti Take Their Magic Tunnel To Belgium

One of this Brazilian duo’s most interesting works will be throwing visitors off-kilter in Brussels.

The combination of magic and science that can be found in the fascinating works of Cantoni & Crescenti is now traveling to Brussels. Cantoni & Crescenti’s Tunnel will be featured alongside 20 other international artists as part of New Technological Art Award 2012 at the Liedts-Meesen Foundation.

Created from 96 aluminum frames and set in a six-meter long tunnel, the piece is much more than just a passageway—it's where the perception of space and stability changes. Its floor bends and creates waves as visitors walk over it. "The floor inclines up to 5º, the associated porticos progressively rotate in the corresponding direction and angle, and this propagates undulatory movements throughout the entire installation," the artists explain. There's also an optical effect—depending on where visitors are inside the tunnel, people on the outside can also see their reflection on the aluminum frames, making forms duplicate.

As we explained here, Rejane and Leonardo's pieces all have this fundamental desire to exist through interaction with the audience, and this is no different in Tunnel. Though this metallic structure can be pleasing to observe, its nuances only begin to make sense when you take the first step in

The New Technological Art Award 2012 festival runs through November 18.

Learn more about Cantoni & Crescenti’s creative process in the video above.
