
  • A Chat with Janicza Bravo (and Brett Gelman) About Her New Short Starring Michael Cera in a Wheelchair

    Janicza’s new short 'Gregory Go Boom' stars Michael Cera as a wheelchair-bound dorkface and Brett Gelman as his older degenerate brother. It’s funny and slightly depressing, and you can watch the whole thing here. A couple weeks back I chatted with J&B...

  • Goodbye Walking, Hello UNI-CUB

    In the aisles of a Wal-Mart, I don't know what wrinkles my nose more, the little 8-year-old kid with the little wheels in his shoes, whizzing past me with a push-pop, or his parents that bought the damn things. Probably, they had little choice, upon...

  • The Hangover News

    Tanks and machine gun gangs have been busy leaving bodies on the streets of Hama, as Syria saw the Arab Spring's deadliest weekend yet.