Volume 9 Issue 9

  • Literary

    So Corrine, a beautiful blonde Aryan woman, falls in love with Chris, her beautiful blonde Aryan “half-uncle.” They marry. Over the years, they do the nasty a lot.

  • Grab It and Go Boom

    You think being a female rapper in 2002 is tough? What about being a prim sixteen-year-old semi-nymphet from Miami with one of the raunchiest hits the 80s ever had?

  • Dear Diary

    I have to tell you something really weird! WAR has broke out. My friends and I are turning into hippies and having protests. Well, kind of, but this is NO JOKE.

  • Electric Independence

    There’s been a lot of hype surrounding the NYC electro revival, with a bunch of producers picking up where pioneering acts like Afrika Bambaataa and Man Parrish left off. What a lot of people don’t know is that 1,350 miles south, in a small Latino...

  • Industrial Big Beat Revival

    Remember Jack Dangers? AKA Meat Beat Manifesto, the best breaks finder on the planet? The guy that's been doing it since all the musicians he influenced were pissing their diapers?

  • It's Every Video Game in the World

    Genes didn't fucking get us here. Shit, monkeys have genes. It's memes: the ability to tell the next generation what just happened-that's what put us on the map. If a monkey wasn't there, it didn't happen.

  • Ask The Farm

    There sure seems to be a hell of a lot of retards out where you are. I’ve been there. You can’t go through the local town without seeing at least one.

  • Grab It and Go Boom

    You think being a female rapper in 2002 is tough? What about being a prim sixteen-year-old semi-nymphet from Miami with one of the raunchiest hits the 80s ever had?

  • Crazy Cartoons

    The scene: Gumby is lounging on his bed. Prickle enters in a panic and says, "The unidragon ate the prism spheres we hid in Echo Cove!" Gumby panics.