
  • Jonah Lehrer and the Psychology of Making Stuff Up

    Jonah Lehrer's having a rough summer. A month ago, when the author and journalist was busted, bizarrely, for self-plagiarizing — that is, reusing passages of his own work in newly published articles at the _New Yorker's_ website - he said "it was a...

  • When Casting Directors Are Idiots

    You know your movie is heading downhill when you're looking for a leading man with locks like a "young" Mick Jagger... When was Mick ever young?

  • This Is the Way Facebook Ends

    Let's not forget everything Facebook has done for us. In leveraging our social curiosity and innate egomania, Mark Zuckerberg unleashed a social revolution, compelling us to share even the most mundane aspects of our lives. No longer anonymous trolls...

  • Computer Hate: No One Got Kraftwerk Tickets

    Be careful MoMA and Showclix: you have made Kraftwerk fans angry. In the midst of today's massive ticket-selling fiasco for the band's eight "full-album shows": at the museum, someone commented on...

  • Was Space Shuttle Challenger a Casualty of Bad Data Visualization?

    The U.S. is no stranger to the collapse of complex systems. But two decades before the break-up of Space Shuttle Columbia, the Deepwater Horizon blowout, and Fukashima Daiichi, America witnessed the Challenger disaster on January 28, 1986, and saw...

  • The Hangover News

    Nigeria 'occupied' this weekend, but you were detoxing too hard to notice.
