endangered animals

  • I Hate That I Love 'Far Cry 3'

    This is a game I had every intention of never playing. If you had told me any of its premise ahead of time, I would have gotten on my indie high horse and sneered safely in the arms of my anti-Ebertian, post-gamer ideals. And yet it moves.

  • The Rare Pink Dolphin Is Now a Bolivian National Treasure

    The Bolivian river dolphin, long threatened by habitat destruction and overfishing in the Amazon, has just received protection from Bolivian President Evo Morales. The subspecies of the shockingly pink Amazon river dolphin has been declared a national...

  • Watch In Horror As Dumb Humans Accidentally Set an Endangered Orangutan On Fire

    I've got a real soft spot for orangutans because they're orange and hairy and thus look kind of like me. The Bornean orangutans, one of two orangutan species, calls "Borneo":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borneo, an island off the coast of Indonesia...

  • Patrick Brown

    In this episode of Picture Perfect, VICE visits Patrick Brown in Bangkok to talk about the craft of photography and about his forthcoming book Trading to Extinction, which documents the illegal trade of endangered animals in Asia.