Cindy Sherman

  • Introducing the VICE Photo Issue 2014

    The 13th annual VICE photo issue is not what it appears to be. It is a showcase of smoke and mirrors, featuring photographic deceptions, illusions, and transformations of all kinds.

  • Jaimie Warren Is Having a Show at the Hole Gallery

    A lot of you guys love Jaimie Warren, but many people have come to me and said, "I don't live in Kansas CIty. I wish I could see her work in person." Well, never fear! Jaimie is packing up her sweets-dispensing blob suit and taking her talents to lower...

  • I'm Sick of Pretending: I Don't 'Get' Photography

    Now that everyone with a smartphone and an internet connection is a pro photographer, I've decided it's time to work out a way to separate the good from the bad. That way, we can finally pat ourselves on our backs in a haze of pseudo-cultured self...
