Zoe Cormier

Fighting Words

Polyamory Is More Common Than You Think, But It's Not for Everyone

"Being in a poly relationship doesn’t always make someone poly at heart."
Zoe Cormier
Sobriety Check

We Asked Straight Edge Adults What Kept Them Sober

People within the punk subculture swear off drugs and alcohol for life.
Zoe Cormier
Living With It

Being Constantly Aroused is a Living Hell

Complaints are invariably greeted with laughter, not compassion.
Zoe Cormier

The Creepy, Insane, and Undeniably Romantic World of Cryonics

I went into it a skeptic—and I still don’t think it’ll work. And yet I’m sold.
Zoe Cormier
How Not to Die

The Creepy, Insane, and Undeniably Romantic World of Cryonics

I went into it a skeptic—and I still don’t think it’ll work. And yet I’m sold.
Zoe Cormier

Chemsex and the Case for Preventative HIV Drugs in the UK

PrEP is not yet available on the NHS, but some argue it should be.
Zoe Cormier

A Clinical Trial Is Exploring How MDMA Could Help People With Autism

A pilot study is investigating how the drug could affect social anxiety in autistic adults.
Zoe Cormier

The Search for a Women's Condom Alternative That Could Prevent HIV

Researchers are trying to crack the holy grail of sexual health with an anti-HIV microbicide ring.
Zoe Cormier
jacked in

A History of the Ice Pick Lobotomy

Lobotomy is a procedure that involves slicing tiny slivers through the frontal lobes of the brain, reached through holes bored in the top of the skull. It was an early way psychiatrists thought they could dramatically alleviate madness and suffering in pe
Zoe Cormier

On the Anniversary of the First Acid Trip, What Do We Now Know About LSD?

Science busts some of the myths that spread around the drug in the 60s.
Zoe Cormier