Vice Magazine

Motherboard Blog

Behold the Beautiful Concept Art of 'OMNI'

The futures past make for a mind-melting present.
Vice Magazine
Motherboard Blog

The Black Walls, Train Sets, and Giant Skulls of H.R. Giger: Interview

HR Giger, regardless of how many museum or galleries he fills with volumes of his other work, will almost certainly go down in history as that strange Swiss guy behind the _Alien_ movie. During the '70s Giger produced a book called _Necronomicon...
Vice Magazine
Motherboard Blog

Forget Wires, the Future of Electricity Is in 3D Shapes

_This month’s Learnin’ Corner, courtesy of Motherboard's granddad Vice, is an explanation of topological matter in optical lattices by University of Pittsburgh associate professor of physics W. Vincent Liu, whose paper “Topological Matter in Optical...
Vice Magazine
Motherboard Blog

East Africa's Space Program is Taking Off

When you think “countries on the cutting edge of deep space exploration,” Kenya is not usually the first that jumps to mind. But here in east Africa, there is a scientist/space pioneer by the name of Dr. Paul Baki who sees big things for the future of...
Vice Magazine
Motherboard Blog

An Interview with a Guy at CERN about Seriously, What's the Deal with the Higgs Boson

CERN in Geneva published the latest Large Hadron Collider (LHC) research results the other day regarding the elusive Higgs boson, a tiny building block particle that’s never been witnessed but its existence is crucial to quantum theory. It’s so crucial...
Vice Magazine
Motherboard Blog

Watch The OWS Live Feed, The Greatest TV Show Ever

If you haven't had your eyeballs glued to Tim Pool's live feed of the Occupy Wall Street protests over the last 48 hours or so, you've been blowing it. Since the forced eviction of Zuccotti Park at around 1 AM Tuesday morning, Tim has been blasting...
Vice Magazine
Motherboard Blog

Proof That Girls Are Better At The Internet Than Boys

There is this enduring, annoying stuff about how girls don’t use the internet as much as guys. I don’t know if that’s true. I do know that girls are so obviously the unchallenged vanguards of the internet, so clearly the winners of such a flexibly...
Vice Magazine
Motherboard Blog

The Learnin' Corner: Algorithmic Randomness

_Marcus Hutter is a professor in the Research School of Computer Science at the Australian National University in Canberra. He’s most notable for his work in the field of artificial intelligence theory, which is like philosophy with way more math. Here...
Vice Magazine
Motherboard Blog

34 Years and a Hundred Seven-Inch Records Later, John Wiese is a Prolific Noise Master

If you’ve been steadily making music for the last 13 years, you probably have a good handful of albums to show for it. If you’ve been steadily making noise music for the last 13 years, however, your discography is teeming with releases: limited-edition...
Vice Magazine

Reddit's Jailbait Section is Dead

_Originally posted on our stepdad website "": the inevitable has happened, the civil liberties of an unlikely clique of teenage boys and creepy older guys have finally been shit on by...
Vice Magazine
Motherboard Blog

Video: Wavves' / 'Bug'

Here's Wavves new video for "Bug," a song about "that guy" who's always crashing parties and sleeping on couches and is generally a crusty dickhole. The video, directed by Alan Tanner, is set in a scene we know all too well: You're relaxing on the...
Vice Magazine
Motherboard Blog

CHILL OUT THE INTERNET: Jaron Lanier Interview

*{From March 15, 2010}* For a white guy with dreads, Jaron Lanier is extremely productive. In the 1980s he coined the term “virtual reality” and among other things, established the idea of online personas through the use of avatars. The Encyclopaedia...
Vice Magazine