Tristan James

Motherboard Blog

A Grassroots Campaign Wants to Use the Fourth Amendment to Shut Off the NSA’s Water Supply

The Off Now campaign to cut off services to data centres has spread to ten states.
Tristan James

Typhoon Haiyan Transformed Me from a Tourist to a Medic

"Once you get involved it’s very hard to leave. You see and hear about disasters like this all the time, but when you actually experience such a thing yourself it’s worse than you ever imagined."
Tristan James

This Russian Activist Nailed His Balls to Moscow's Red Square

Petr Pavlensky is a political artist who has wrapped himself in barbed wire to protest his country's "repressive legal system" and sewed his mouth shut as a show of support for Pussy Riot. I called him up to chat about his latest action.
Tristan James

Students in Bulgaria Want Their Entire Government to Resign

That might sound like a big demand—entire cabinets aren't generally known to leave their posts because some angry students told them to—but there have been widespread protests against the coalition government since the summer.
Tristan James

Anonymous Failed to Bring Down the British Government with Fireworks

According to the plan, rather than going home when they got cold, the idea was that everyone would stay for an entire day. At least, that seemed to be the idea from the Facebook call out, "NOTE: This will be a 24 hour event, please be prepared to...
Tristan James
Tristan James, Photos: Jake Lewis