Tom Bennett


‘We’re Heartbroken’: Young Russians on the Invasion of Ukraine

“Everyone I know is scared, shocked and disgusted,” a 25-year-old from Moscow told VICE World News, as big anti-war protests took place in several Russian cities.
Tom Bennett

‘Hard Not to Respect That’: Why White Nationalists Are Toasting the Taliban

White supremacists and jihadists may despise each other, but their violent extremist movements have a surprising amount in common, with shared enemies, tactics and a similar worldview.
Tim Hume
Tom Bennett
Black Lives Matter

With Brexit Won, Black Lives Matter Is the Next Battle in the Far-Right's Culture War

The BLM movement shouldn't have to fight a culture war, but the far-right and the UK's nationalist government are intent on dragging it into one.
Tom Bennett

What a Big Brexit Party Win Could Mean for British Politics

Nigel Farage is shaping up to win big in the EU elections tomorrow. Here's what the fallout from that would look like.
Tom Bennett
Hate Island

Understanding the Alt-Right's Growing Fascination with 'Eco-Fascism'

In his 74-page so-called manifesto, the Christchurch shooter described himself as an 'eco-fascist.' What is that?
Tom Bennett
Hate Island

Nigel Farage's Brexit Party Will Target the Tories' Hard-Right Fringe

The ex-UKIP leader is back, and he's out to harvest the souls of disaffected Conservatives.
Tom Bennett
Hate Island

What the 'Yellow-Vest Tommy Robinson Wannabe' Did Next

James Goddard hit the headlines in January after shouting abuse at MPs, then quickly disappeared from the front pages. This is what he's up to now.
Tom Bennett
Hate Island

What Now for 'Tommy Robinson', Nigel Farage and UKIP?

And is Milo Yiannopolous still finding being in debt funny?
Tom Bennett
Hate Island

Gab Is the Alt-Right Social Network Racists Are Moving to

A crack-down on hate speech on social media is forcing the alt-right onto alternative networks.
Tom Bennett