Ryan Faith

defense & security

The Incredibly Expensive F-35 May Look Cool, But Does it Actually Work?

Maybe the F-35 is a great idea in theory, but does the thing actually work? Conclusion of a three-part series on the F-35, it's role, it's future, and it's flaws.
Ryan Faith
defense & security

Here's What the US and Its Allies Can Do With Their New F-35s

In the second of our three-part look at the F-35, we consider what new capabilities the ultra-expensive plane brings, and what it changes for US and allied strategy.
Ryan Faith
defense & security

What Is the Pentagon's Multi-Billion Dollar F-35 Jet Actually Supposed to Do?

The US (along with almost a dozen countries) is spending hundreds of billions of dollars on a new fighter jet. But what it is the actually supposed to do?
Ryan Faith
defense & security

Spain-UK Dispute Over Gibraltar Flares Up After Warning Shots Incident With US Nuclear Sub

The Spanish vessel had twice cut across the bow of a visiting US nuclear submarine, the USS Florida, when the escorting British patrol boat decided enough was enough.
Ryan Faith

Russian Spies Are Reportedly Trying to Stop NATO and Sweden From Hooking Up

According to Swedish security forces, Russian spies are actively trying to prevent Sweden from ratifying an agreement that would cement stronger NATO ties.
Ryan Faith
defense & security

China Is About to Launch Its Space Program Into High Gear

The Chinese have recently announced plans for their space program that promise an ambitious set of milestones stretching from the dark side of the moon to the Martian surface.
Ryan Faith
defense & security

US Strategy Is Draining the Islamic State's Health, but There's Still No Finishing Move

The Pentagon's strategy in its fight against the Islamic State appears to be weakening the group, but there doesn't appear to be any way to finish it off.
Ryan Faith
Opinion and Analysis

The Lessons of Chernobyl May Be Different Than We Thought

Thirty years ago, the worst nuclear accident in history killed dozens, displaced thousands, and terrified the world. Today, its awful effects are still being felt — but that doesn't mean nuclear power has no future.
Ryan Faith
Opinion and Analysis

Stephen Hawking's Plan to Blast a Tiny Ship to Another Star With Giant Lasers May Work

Breakthrough Starshot is a new project, introduced by Stephen Hawking, to send a spacecraft to another star. It wouldn't happen for decades — if it happens at all — but it's the first-ever proposal for interstellar travel that might actually work.
Ryan Faith
Opinion and Analysis

Meet the Man With a Plan to Fix America's Many Broken Space Programs

Congressman Jim Bridenstine wants to fix all of the US space programs, and today he revealed his weapon of choice — the American Space Renaissance Act.
Ryan Faith
Opinion and Analysis

US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter Wants to Fix Everything Wrong With the Pentagon

Before a new administration takes over, Carter is pushing to deeply change an immense bureaucracy that happens to have the power to end civilization.
Ryan Faith
Opinion and Analysis

The US Army Doesn't Seem Real Sure It Could Stop a Russian Invasion of Europe

The US has been neglecting its traditional warfare capability for decades. Now, with Russia seemingly emboldened and slightly loopy, that neglect has the potential to bite America in the ass.
Ryan Faith