Rula Al-Nasrawi


This Army of Women is Fighting Against the Islamic State

The IS persecuted their people, now these warrior Yazidi women are ruining their virgin afterlife fantasies.
Rula Al-Nasrawi

Helly Luv Is Kicking ISIS's Ass with Pop Music

"I feel privileged to be attacked by ISIS because it means the message is as strong as their weapons and their violence."
Rula Al-Nasrawi

Death Doulas Help You Figure Out Your Life Before You Die

Death makes us vulnerable, incoherent, and depressed. Death doulas are here to help.
Rula Al-Nasrawi

Finding Love with Herpes, Thanks to STI-Positive Online Dating

One in six American adults have herpes, but dating with an incurable STI can still cramp intimacy in its early stages. Sites like PositiveSingles are setting out to change that.
Rula Al-Nasrawi

The Shared Experiences of Teenage Girls in Iraq and Chicago

In an effort to find out how life in Chicago and Iraq might be similar beyond bullets and blood, I talked with two teenage girls who hail from those locales about everything from crushing on boys to religion and music.
Rula Al-Nasrawi

Coming on Camera: Beautiful Agony's Orgasmic Porn

Hundreds of people around the world have seen Kamee have rapturous orgasms thanks to Beautiful Agony, a third-wave-feminist porn site that hosts user-submitted wank-videos shot from the waist up.
Rula Al-Nasrawi

Calling Me a Terrorist Is Not Flirting

Every single girl knows what it’s like to be creeped on. But there’s a special breed of getting creeped on that absolutely needs to be addressed, and I call it flirty racism.
Rula Al-Nasrawi

Kitty Litter

It started in my limbs and made its way up my ribcage, until everything tingled. I had just popped a molly. My teeth ached from smiling. I chewed my gum into mush. The bass made my bones vibrate. But all of a sudden, things got weird. Later I found out...
Rula Al-Nasrawi