Roc Morin

indigenous rights

Kidnapping, Torture, and Stolen Land: The Brutal Reality of Ethiopia's New Sugar Wars

Ethiopia's Mursi tribe says they were imprisoned and tortured to protect Chinese sugar plantations.
Roc Morin

Eleven People Told Us Their Heartbreaking Dreams of Dead Loved Ones

These stories will haunt you.
Roc Morin

People Told Us the Strangest Sex Dreams They Ever Had

"I once had sex with a crescent moon—with the bottom tip of the crescent. I wasn't sure it was a good idea, but I did it anyway."
Roc Morin

Nine People Told Us Their Absolute Worst Nightmares

"I won't get into details, but it becomes a hostage situation. I've had that dream for many years, and then it's realized every night on television."—Conan O'Brien
Roc Morin
california wildfires

The California Firefighter Searching the Rubble of His Own Home

Robert Nappi wasn't with his family when the flames came. But he went back after they escaped to find his wife's wedding ring.
Roc Morin
War on Drugs

The Filipino Drug War Is Flooding This Funeral Home with Bodies

People are jockeying for fresh corpses in the brutal vigilante campaign launched by the strongman Donald Trump just invited to the White House.
Roc Morin

Terrifying Nightmares from Around the World

For two years, I've traveled the globe collecting dreams for my World Dream Atlas photography project. This is an assortment of the most intense nightmares I've encountered this year. There were plenty to choose from.
Roc Morin

Rædselsfulde mareridt fra hele verden

"Jeg har skåret ham i stykker og er ved at stege ham på panden. Jeg har tænkt mig at spise ham for at skaffe mig af med beviserne."
Roc Morin

Horrifying Nightmares from Around the World

In waking life, we dedicate one day a year to the celebration of the macabre. In our dreams, however, every night is Halloween.
Roc Morin

Japan's Biggest Metal Band Features Two Underaged Girls and a Bearded, Cross-Dressing Singer

Ladybaby combines the furious intensity of screamo metal with the saccharine sweetness of J-pop. Despite forming in May, the trio has become an online sensation and just embarked on an international tour.
Roc Morin

Inside a Bombed-Out Ukrainian Children’s Camp

Kids had drawn tanks and men with guns. The bullets came out as dotted lines. A DPR soldier snatched a drawing that had blown away from the ground, reading it with a grin: I'm proud of you, Ukrainian soldier.
Roc Morin

India's 'Third Gender' Is Marginalized and Sanctified

The same gender ambiguity that makes trans Indians social pariahs also grants them a holy status among some Hindus.
Roc Morin