Rizky Rahad

your fuccboi next door.


Asia's Newest Nation of Timor-Leste Is Fighting for LGBTQ Rights

The nation of Timor-Leste is predominantly Roman Catholic. Yet it’s leading a fight for LGBTQ rights in a part of the world where such rights are increasingly under attack.
Adi Renaldi

What It's Like to Be a Bride in Sumba, Where a Marriage Proposal Costs a Herd of Horses

We talk to a woman about why she is holding tight to a culture that places a high price on the heads of young brides.
Sattwika Duhita

How Tattoos Saved These Indonesian Women From Sexual Slavery In World War II

A local marriage tradition in the island of Timor helped these women escape becoming comfort women during Japanese occupation.
Kathleen Malay
Rizky Rahad

The High Cost of Becoming a Man In Indonesia

The boys of Sumedang live like a king for one day—the day of their circumcision.
Arzia Tivany Wargadiredja

Mouly Surya Talks About Her Third Film 'Marlina: The Murderer in Four Acts'

We talked to the director of the first 'Satay Western' film in the world.
Rizky Rahad
Katyusha Methanisa

Joko Anwar Talks About Rebooting the Scariest Movie He's Ever Seen

The critically-acclaimed filmmaker looks back at the golden era of Indonesian movies.
Rizky Rahad
North Korea

Siti Aisyah's Family Speaks Out as She Heads to Court Over Kim Jong Nam Killing

VICE News traveled to Serang, Banten and speaks with the family of one of the two accused attackers.
Rizky Rahad

Gay Men Caned in Front of Cheering Crowd in Aceh

Authorities in the far western tip of Indonesia caned two men for gay sex—a first under Aceh's Sharia law.
Jonathan Vit
Arman Dzidzovic
International Mom Advice

This 'Jamu Beras Kencur' Will Keep You Healthy and Strong

Meet Arie Seminaryati is a mother of two, grandmother of one, and a jamu queen.
Rizky Rahad
Arman Dzidzovic
LGBTQ Community

The Trans Half-Gods of Sulawesi

In the hills of South Sulawesi live an ancient band of Bissu, trans people who serve as high priests for the local Bugis community. We spent a week with what might be the last generation of trans nobility in Indonesia.
Rizky Rahad