Reuters and VICE News


officer involved

State troopers filmed pummeling motorist after car chase charged with assault

Prosecutors in New Hampshire have filed criminal charges against two police officers who were caught on camera punching a driver who surrendered peacefully.
Reuters and VICE News
officer involved

Baltimore officers kill gunman who fired at police

The shooting occurred a week after five Dallas police officers were killed by a sniper during a protest over police brutality.
Reuters and VICE News
El Salvador

El Salvador's top court repeals amnesty law in order to prosecute war criminals

The decision could allow prosecutors to investigate atrocities committed by both the military and the guerrilla fighters during the country's civil war that stretched from 1980 to 1992.
Reuters and VICE News
crime & drugs

Opioid crisis bill slammed as 'sham' with 'no real funding to solve the real problem'

Congress voted overwhelmingly to pass a bill designed to combat the US opioid abuse problem, but the White House and some Democrats say it lacks proper funding.
Reuters and VICE News

At least 20 people died in a train crash in southern Italy

Two trains collided head-on in the middle of an olive grove near Bari, in the heel of Italy, for reasons still unknown.
Reuters and VICE News

Pakistan's "living saint" got the country's first state funeral in 30 years

Abdul Sattar Edhi, the philanthropist known as Pakistan's Mother Theresa, was a hero to the downtrodden and an enemy of religious extremism.
Reuters and VICE News
dallas attack

Authorities say Micah Johnson was the lone shooter who killed five officers

The Afghanistan veteran was alone when he opened fire on Dallas cops. The shooting was so precise that police initially thought there were several shooters.
Reuters and VICE News

Another environmental activist is killed in Honduras — the third this year

Yaneth Urquía was found dead on the side of a road in western Honduras. She is the third member of an indigenous rights organization to be murdered this year, the first being award-winning activist Berta Cáceres
Reuters and VICE News

Some Colombian rebels won't give up the fight despite a peace deal

The announcement by a unit of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia that it will not disarm comes with a final peace deal expected within weeks. President Juan Manuel Santos called on the dissidents to think again — or face death or jail.
Reuters and VICE News
south asia

Another deadly attack in Bangladesh, on the holiday ending Ramadan

Less than a week after the Dhaka massacre that killed 20 people, another deadly attack is attributed to extremists — who this time bombed a gathering of Muslims for Eid al-Fitr.
Reuters and VICE News

Anti-EU leader Nigel Farage quits after winning Brexit vote

"During the referendum campaign, I said 'I want my country back'. What I'm saying today, is, 'I want my life back,' and it begins right now," Nigel Farage said upon announcing he is stepping down as leader of UKIP.
Reuters and VICE News
crime & drugs

Adnan Syed to get a new trial after 'Serial' podcast

Syed is currently serving life in prison for the murder of his former girlfriend in 1999.
Reuters and VICE News