Patrick O'Dell


RIP Jake Phelps

The longtime 'Thrasher' editor dedicated his life to skateboarding, and it won't be the same without him.
Patrick O'Dell

RIP Jake Phelps

The longtime 'Thrasher' editor dedicated his life to skateboarding, and it won't be the same without him.
Patrick O'Dell

Lizard King

Lizard ponders how long you can stay a pile.
Patrick O'Dell
VICE Staff
The Goat Demon Issue

Epicly Later’d

Right now I’m working on the third most exciting thing I have ever worked on (after shooting pictures of Morrissey getting peed on by an infant and the John Cardiel documentary).
Patrick O'Dell

Scene Report

Hey everyone reading Vice. I’m excited I get to do a column this issue. I still think Vice is kind of a Big Brother rip-off but beggars can’t be choosers.
Patrick O'Dell
The Conversations With Distinguished Gentlemen Issue

Epicly Later'd

I seriously have nothing to say anymore. I’m getting older and less self-involved, I guess. Amy Kellner said I should just send some pictures in for my column, so here we go
Patrick O'Dell
The Technology Issue

Epicly Later'd

These are pictures from Skatopia, a skate park/farm/anarchy commune in Rutland, Ohio. I went there a few weeks ago to film some stuff for a weird TV show unrelated to my own weird TV show. I've been there before, maybe three times, but that was in the...
Patrick O'Dell
The Fashion Issue 2009

Epicly Later'd

I called Ty Evans to ask if he had any unused Guy Mariano footage and he said, "You know what I have? Twenty raw tapes that Spike filmed for Video Days.”
Patrick O'Dell
The Writing-Cute-Things... Issue

Epicly Later'd

Hey everyone, here's my page again. A few months ago, I wrote about how I hate dumb skate kids. I read the comments online and people were pretty bummed at what I said, but I have a feeling that the people who were bummed haven't been to a skate park...
Patrick O'Dell
The Universal Sadness Issue

Epicly Later'd

First I tried to leave the skateboard world by leaving Thrasher, only to get sucked back in by VBS.TV. Now I have completed the regression by moving from a luxurious one-bedroom apartment in the East Village to a skate house in West Hollywood...
Patrick O'Dell
The Talking Issue

The Epicly Later'd Page

Vice: What did you think of the episode I did about you?
Patrick O'Dell
The Clowny Clown Clown Issue

The Epicly Later'd Page

Today I am swamped filming the Epicly Later'd show. I was at Guy Mariano's house this morning and Marc Johnson's house in the mountains yesterday. My life is filled with this stuff-questions, schedules, phone calls-and yet it doesn't even feel...
Patrick O'Dell