Ocean Malandra


How Coca Leaf Became Colombia’s New Superfood

At the Embajada de la Coca, the green leaf is being restored to its rightful place as a powerful medicinal plant and super-nutrient that should be revered instead of reviled.
Ocean Malandra

Marijuana and Farm-to-Table Dining Are the Perfect Pairing

I joined NYC-based chef Jesse Aghravi during a marijuana harvest in Humboldt County, where he cooks for crews of "trimmigrants" with local ingredients—and a little bud, too.
Ocean Malandra
Standing Rock

Meet the Navajo Chef Cooking Indigenous Cuisine at Standing Rock

On Thanksgiving, a holiday which serves as a reminder of genocide and ongoing oppression to the continent’s original inhabitants, the water protectors at Standing Rock gathered for an indigenous feast.
Ocean Malandra

From the Tribe to the Table in the Colombian Amazon

Chef Cielo Gomez has spent the better part of a decade in the Tres Fronteras region of the Amazon, learning recipes from several indigenous tribes that she incorporates into her menu at El Cielo.
Ocean Malandra

Colombia’s Pacific Cuisine Is the Best Latin Food You've Never Tried

Colombia’s vast Pacific coastline, known as the Pacifico, is one of the purest expressions of Afro-Latin culture in the Americas, and its cuisine merges richly spiced seafood dishes with the bounty of the rainforest.
Ocean Malandra

This Grassroots Group Is Feeding Home-Cooked Meals to the Homeless in Las Vegas

Siloh Moses was living on the streets of Las Vegas just 18 months ago. Since then, he founded ServingHopeLV, a grassroots organization that brings home-cooked meals to the homeless.
Ocean Malandra

How to Eat the Jungle Before It Eats You

Over half of Peru 60 is located in the Amazon rainforest, and it is here that a whole other dimension of Peruvian eats reigns supreme: jungle food.
Ocean Malandra