Niko Krommydas


Why This Craft Brewer Is Giving a Middle Finger to Beer-Making Tradition

Sam Calagione, the founder of Dogfish Head, has never hidden his disdain for antiquated beer-brewing laws, and has instead found inspiration in culinary ingredients and techniques utilized in cooking.
Niko Krommydas
Craft Beer

Why This Brewer Is Putting Pork Scraps in His Beer

Now that Dogfish Head's scrapple-infused breakfast beer is being shipped nationally, we spoke with the brewery's founder, Sam Calagione, about its genesis.
Niko Krommydas

Tituss Burgess of 'Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt' Doesn't Suffer Wine Snobs

"The wine industry can be a very elitist party," says Tituss Burgess, the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt actor who recently launched his own line of wines. "I don't have any desire to be invited to that party. So I created my own party."
Niko Krommydas
Craft Beer

One of the World's Top Culinary Schools Is Now Brewing Craft Beer

The Brewery at the Culinary Institute of America was created in partnership with Brooklyn Brewery, which has been a longtime advocate for the better treatment of beer within the American dining scene.
Niko Krommydas
Craft Beer

This Brewer Is Making 'Seinfeld'-Inspired Beers Using Snickers and Chocolate Babka

Barrage Brewing Company, a one-barrel operation based in East Farmingdale, makes two brown ales inspired by the classic sitcom.
Niko Krommydas

We Spoke to the Guy Who Made a Beer with Stag Semen 

Since launching his gypsy brewery last August, Kerry Gray has attracted attention for weird beers like Roast Lamb & Mint and Hand Pulled Pork. It was his latest release, however, that incited a circus of international media coverage and even government...
Niko Krommydas