Nigel Irwin

Indigenous issues

How a Mining Disaster Devastated an Indigenous Group in Brazil

The toxic spill that contaminated the Rio Doce continues to affect the Krenak people.
Nigel Irwin
Indigenous issues

Joseph Boyden’s Apology and the Strange History of ‘Pretendians’

Boyden is hardly the first person to be alleged to have faked Indigenous roots for material or spiritual gain.
Nigel Irwin

We Asked Budtenders About Their Worst Customers

"There are a lot of people who come here and treat it like a candy store."
Nigel Irwin

Canada's First Nations Reserves Have a Faulty System of Government

The current governing structure on First Nations reserves in Canada has done a very good job in keeping the Indigenous population of this country internalized and dependent.
Nigel Irwin

Discovering Native Culture in a Sweat Lodge

I have a funny relationship with my own culture in that I feel like a tourist in it. I was raised in complete seclusion from my Aboriginal background. So, now that I’m in my early 20s, it’s become a goal of mine to immerse myself in the culture that I...
Nigel Irwin

Meet the Native Activist Who the Canadian Government Was Spying On

Anyone concerned with internet privacy has probably heard about the efforts in the United States to install realtime internet monitoring that would essentially allow the FBI to wiretap our internet. Then there’s the unsettling news that broke earlier...
Nigel Irwin

Listen to A Tribe Called Red's New Record, 'Nation II Nation'

If you’re not familiar with how Canada works, the Canadian Native population is experiencing a bit of a political and artistic renaissance right now. At the forefront of this culture is A Tribe Called Red—a native Canadian EDM group that is extremely awes
Nigel Irwin

The Art of Native Regalia

Being Aboriginal myself, I knew a thing or two about the culture and wanted to share the experience. When I arrived at the Pow Wow, it quickly became clear that I was about to get schooled in tradition.
Nigel Irwin