Nick Hilton

New Towns

A Bittersweet Love Letter to Britain's 'Crap' New Towns

Milton Keynes is turning 50, and while yes, it's a bit grey and drab, it's also uniquely liveable.
Nick Hilton

The Difference Between the UK and US Student Loan Systems

British students acquire far less debt than most of their American counterparts, and paying it off is generally a lot simpler.
Nick Hilton

London Smog: Just How Bad Is the Air in the UK Capital?

A report last week revealed that over 1,300 people have already died prematurely this year alone because of air pollution in London. Here's exactly what it is that's causing those deaths.
Nick Hilton

What Happens to Child Geniuses After They Grow Up?

Being told you're smarter than everyone else when you're 11 years old can wreak havoc on a young child's mind.
Nick Hilton

How to Treat the Homeless: Tips from Actual Homeless People

In order to demystify the all-too-common experience of being without a roof over your head, we asked some of London's homeless people about their day-to-day lives.
Nick Hilton

The UK Has a Brand-New Cannabis Political Party, and I Went to the Launch Party

The Cannabis Is Safer Than Alcohol (CISTA) party is here, it has money, and it wants to free the weed.
Nick Hilton
Nick Hilton, Photos: Jake Lewis

Black Friday Footage Is Basically Poverty Porn

If you think fighting over a flat-screen TV makes someone an animal, you've probably never struggled to afford anything.
Nick Hilton

Trying to Make a Short Film in 48 Hours Made Me Feel Like an Idiot

We were in a real race against time to mitigate the chance of the film being completely shitty. We did not win that race.
Nick Hilton

Scientology Is Struggling to Crack the UK

Scientology has always been a poor fit for the UK. It’s a phenomenon better suited to wealthy, tanned Americans who’ve spent their entire lives being told they can be anything they want to be if they throw enough money around
Nick Hilton