Nelson Groom

Vice Blog

A Day of Anti-Racist Anarchy with Antifa

Back to back anti-fascist protests within walking distance of each other? Talk about your anarchist stars aligning!
Nelson Groom

The Australian Who's Made It His Mission to Bring Social Media to Prison Inmates

Former inmate Brett Collins has created a website, iExpress, that will allow inmates to set up a profile and communicate with the outside world through a system of old-fashioned letter writing.
Nelson Groom

We Spoke to Porn Actress Angela White about Shooting Scenes in Universities

"I'm a firm believer in the power of education, so if the scandal encouraged a few people to pick up a book then I'll take that small victory."
Nelson Groom

Meet the Man Who's Been Trolling Neo-Nazis for the Past Decade

One man decided to take a stand after seeing the racist underbelly of the punk scene in his hometown of Melbourne.
Nelson Groom

This Guy Has Been Trolling Neo-Nazis for Nearly a Decade

The man behind the pseudonym "Andy Fleming" shows no signs of stopping his fight against white supremacists, even after their continued attempts to unmask him.
Nelson Groom

An Interview with Australia's First Recognized Agender

Last Wednesday, Norrie May Welby made history—she became the first Australian to be formally recognized as being gender non-specific.
Nelson Groom

Pastor of Korean Megachurch Convicted for Embezzling $12 Million

In Seoul today, the streets are adorned with more neon red crosses than McDonald's arches. But of all the churches, the Yoido Full Gospel Church reigns supreme, with almost one million members and equally excessive donations. Unsurprisingly, the pastor...
Nelson Groom

A Japanese Physician Is Encouraging the Evacuation of Tokyo

In Japan, reports on the levels of leaked radioactive material from the Fukushima disaster are heavily contested, which generally means things are worse than expected. We talked to Shigeru Mita, one of the only physicians in Tokyo who regularly...
Nelson Groom

Neknominate Is a Fun New Social Media Game for Perpetually Drunk Australians

Why just chug a beer when you can film yourself chugging a beer while riding a motorcycle, scuba diving, or surfing? And once you've filmed yourself doing that, why not share it with the whole internet?
Nelson Groom

Online Gaming Is South Korea's Most Popular Drug

Some South Korean politicians want to pass a law equating video games with gambling, drugs, and alcohol, but games like Starcraft are probably more popular than all the other vices put together. Can the government successfully fight a war on...
Nelson Groom