Nate Patrin


Punks, Geeks, Kings, And Men: Listening To "Classy" Freddie Blassie's Discography

Freddie Blassie's wrestling career ran from the sport's gory prehistory into its insane '70s heyday. Then he started cutting novelty records, and it got weird.
Nate Patrin

Mosh Pitch: The Straight Edge Punk and Cut Fastball of Scott Radinsky

There wouldn't seem to be room for punk edge in baseball, a sport that still gets extremely pissy about bat flips, but Scott Radinsky proved that wrong.
Nate Patrin

Major League Bassbin, Or The Unlikely EDM Career Of Twins Reliever Trevor May

Baseball is the sport that gave the world "Disco Demolition Night," but that hasn't kept Minnesota's Trevor May from making some (surprisingly good) house music.
Nate Patrin

Whole Lotta 30-Love: John McEnroe's Classic Rock Racket

In 1991, McEnroe set out to re-record a jolt of pure rock energy that first hit the airwaves when he was 12 years old—not coincidentally, the perfect age for Led Zeppelin indoctrination—for Rock Aid Armenia. Roger Daltrey sang, because why not.
Nate Patrin

Revisiting "Let's Ram It," The L.A. Rams' Ode to… Ramming

Before the Rams left LA for St. Louis, they recorded a preposterous single-entendre song about, um, ramming. As they head West again, we gave it another spin.
Nate Patrin

Kobe On The Mic: When The Black Mamba Had a Benz And A Backpack

Kobe has lived in public for two decades. So how has his bizarre rap career—which includes collabs with Beyonce, Beanie Sigel, and Tyra Banks—been forgotten?
Nate Patrin

​Pelè Como: The Supremely Relaxed Vocal Stylings of Soccer's Immortal

The most iconic player in the history of soccer also cut a number of records in his native Brazil. They're Sportscore for sure, but wow are they ever SLEEPY.
Nate Patrin

Wrestling Legend Terry Funk's Terribly Un-Funky, Decidedly Un-Hardcore Musical Career

Terry Funk has been a beloved and revered wrestling figure for generations, now. His fearlessness makes him great, but it also led him to record a VERY BAD album.
Nate Patrin

The Seriously Awesome Soul Music of NFL Legend Rosey Grier

Rosey Grier was an integral part of one of the greatest defensive lines in NFL history. He is also, as far as we can tell, the best sports star turned musician ever, by a mile.
Nate Patrin

Champion Sound: When Muhammad Ali (And A Bunch Of Kids) Knocked Out Tooth Decay, Drug Dealers

In the 1970's, Muhammad Ali was the biggest and most polarizing sports star in the world. Naturally, he leveraged this fame into two baffling children's albums.
Nate Patrin

Official Queensbridge Mutterers: The Unfortunate Rap Detritus of the 1986 Mets

If you lived in Queens in 1986 and liked both baseball and rap, you were in for a hell of a year.
Nate Patrin

Indie Rapadoo, Or John Cena's Unexpected Underground Hip-Hop Credibility

John Cena is simultaneously the most popular and most booed dude in pro wrestling. But, strangely, he has some underground hip-hop luminaries in his corner.
Nate Patrin