Nandita Raghuram

The VICE Guide to the 2016 Election

How Undocumented Immigrants Are Getting Involved This Election

Fearful of an election result that could have dire consequences for them, many undocumented immigrants and the family members of undocumented immigrants have been pushing for citizens to register and vote.
Nandita Raghuram

No Rights, No Sex: The Powerful History of Women Going on Strike

Poland's "Black Monday" strikes are just the latest in a long line of women showing their value by temporarily refusing to participate in a society that takes them for granted.
Nandita Raghuram

India's New Child Labor Law Doesn't Actually Ban Child Labor

Though the Indian government has technically made labor for children under the age of 14 illegal, adolescents are still allowed to work for their family members—in potentially harsh and unregulated conditions.
Nandita Raghuram

'It's Destroyed People's Lives': The Shocking Rise in Hepatitis C-Related Deaths

Hepatitis C is preventable and curable—but it now kills more Americans than any other disease. According to experts, stigma against intravenous drug users and sex workers may be to blame.
Nandita Raghuram

'Women Are Dying': The Severe Effects of Clinic Closures on Undocumented Women

In the US, undocumented women struggle to obtain necessary and sometimes lifesaving reproductive health care—and things are only getting worse.
Nandita Raghuram

Swipe Right for Matrimony: The Evolution of Indian Arranged Marriages

How the tradition of arranged marriage in India has evolved in the age of Tinder, OkCupid, and "ghosting."
Nandita Raghuram

It's Still Legal for a Man to Rape His Wife in India

Despite the strides recently made around sexual assault in India, for women, their wedding day is the day they permanently sign over their ability to consent.
Nandita Raghuram

Forget Hollywood: Decriminalizing Sex Work Helps Sex Workers

Hollywood actresses like Lena Dunham and Anne Hathaway have protested Amnesty International's proposal to decriminalize sex work. We talked to sex workers to find out what they think.
Nandita Raghuram