Morgan Harries


The Year a TV Show About Nazis Running the World Hit Too Close to Home

We asked a historian what counterfactual stories like 'The Man in the High Castle' can teach us about the rise of populism in 2016.
Morgan Harries
10 spørgsmål

10 spørgsmål du altid har haft lyst til at stille en person med HIV

"Jeg mener ikke, jeg skal kureres for noget. Jeg tager en pille om dagen, og når den er nok til at standse spredningen, så er det den kur, jeg har brug for."
Morgan Harries

A Very Precise Calculation of Exactly How Many Cows Are Being Murdered to Make the New Fivers

The new £5 notes contain traces of tallow, which is made out of animal fat. Lots of people are upset about this – that's a given. But exactly how many animals are being killed in the name of the Bank of England?
Morgan Harries

How Would the UK Actually Scrap the Monarchy, and What Would Happen Next?

A planned £369 million refurbishment to Buckingham Palace has got some people calling for an end to the monarchy. But what exactly would that look like?
Morgan Harries
the vice interview

The VICE Interview: Jazzie B

"Would I have sex with a robot? Nah. Too many nice human birds about for that"
Morgan Harries

Meet the London Chef Staying Up All Night to Make Perfect Texan Brisket

Inspired by his time cooking alongside Austin pitmasters, Josh Ebsworth stays awake for hours to tend to the brisket in his ten-foot, custom-built meat smoker.
Morgan Harries

All the Money Stuff They Should Have Taught You at School

First off, stop listening to your parents. Statistically, they don't know shit.
Morgan Harries

How New Balance Shoes Got Co-Opted By Neo-Nazis

The rise and fall of New Balance.
Morgan Harries

How New Balance Shoes Got Co-Opted By Neo-Nazis

The strange saga of the American sneaker company.
Morgan Harries

Could Boycotting the John Lewis Ad Really Prevent British Tabloids from Spreading Hate?

We speak to Richard Wilson, one of the founding members of Stop Funding Hate, who says that supporting John Lewis is funding the tabloids fuelling xenophobia in the UK.
Morgan Harries

Why Are Women Drinking More Than We Used To?

A recent study from the University of New South Wales found that the great gender booze gap has nearly closed. To find out why, I decided to conduct my own scientific analysis—and consult some experts.
Morgan Harries

Ten Questions You Always Wanted to Ask a Person with HIV

"I don't think I need curing. I take one pill a day, and that being enough to stop me transmitting it, I feel that's all the cure I need."
Morgan Harries