Marcy Wheeler

Marcy Wheeler is an independent journalist covering national security and civil liberties.


The Republican Russia Investigation Circus Keeps Getting Weirder

Somehow, a former Trump lackey's unhinged TV appearances were just a preamble to Republicans in the House deciding the whole thing was a sham.
Marcy Wheeler
Views My Own

Was the Trump Campaign Full of Spies or Just Idiots?

Somehow, the strange saga of competing Russia memos has mostly served to make the president's campaign look shadier than ever.
Marcy Wheeler
the memo

All the Key Details Republicans Left Out of Their Famous Memo

A flimsy and much-hyped document that was supposed to blow up the Russia investigation raises more questions about Republicans than the FBI.
Marcy Wheeler
State of Surveillance

FISA Court's Secrecy Threatens to Subsume Our Open Court System

Keith Gartenlaub seemed like he'd be the first person to challenge secret FISA court surveillance. Then an appeals court had a secret meeting with the government's lawyers.
Marcy Wheeler
State of Surveillance

The NSA's 12-Year Struggle to Follow the Law

A change requested by the Trump administration will allow the NSA to keep information it acquired illegally.
Marcy Wheeler

Why I Have Decided to Hoard the iPhone 6S

The iPhone 6S is the Skoda of smartphones and I'm going to buy at least four of them.
Marcy Wheeler

Why Is the FBI Really Going After the Researcher Who Stopped WannaCry?

An attempt to connect the dots between the FBI's surveillance tools, WannaCry, Marcus Hutchins, and Kronos.
Marcy Wheeler
State of Surveillance

The NSA Has Done Little to Prevent the Next Edward Snowden

Maybe this is why there are a bunch of alleged NSA hacking tools floating around the internet.
Marcy Wheeler
State of Surveillance

Would You Trust These Men With a Massive Surveillance Dragnet?

America's top intelligence officials had a shady day in Congress.
Marcy Wheeler

Why the Latest Leak Linking Trump to Russia Is So Shocking

A Trump foreign policy advisor was spied on by the feds last summer, and even though he hasn't been charged, everyone knows his name.
Marcy Wheeler
Views My Own

The Republican Hypocrisy on Surveillance, Leaks, and Snowden

Congressman Devin Nunes is apparently fine with revealing classified information as long as it helps Donald Trump.
Marcy Wheeler

Snowden Emails Reveal the NSA Used Notoriously Insecure Microsoft Word Macros

By relying on macros to help process sensitive surveillance risk assessments, NSA opened itself up to hacking.
Marcy Wheeler