Mack Lamoureux

Mack Lamoureux is a senior reporter for VICE News. His work focuses on extremism of all sorts with a focus on neo-Nazi and accelerationist terror groups. If you have a tip or story idea, you can reach him at Ask for a signal number if the information is sensitive.


The Vile Sextortion and Torture Ring Where Kids Target Kids

The network, known as 764, has been responsible for horrific abuse and blackmail across the globe. Authorities and tech companies are just starting to take action.
Mack Lamoureux

Man Who Showed Father’s Decapitated Head in a YouTube Video Charged With Terrorism

Police say that when they arrested Justin Mohn they found a USB drive with a folder that indicated he wanted to blow up Federal Buildings.
Mack Lamoureux

Tucker Carlson Gushes About Russia as Putin Mocks Him

Vladimir Putin says he was disappointed by the softness of his interview with the former Fox News host.
Mack Lamoureux

Man Whose Gender Reveal Party Cost Firefighter His Life Pleads Guilty to Manslaughter

A family who tried to have a cute photoshoot to show off the gender of their unborn baby accidentally started a wildfire that cost a firefighter his life.
Mack Lamoureux

Man Posted YouTube Video With Father’s Severed Head While Ranting About Joe Biden

Justin Mohn was arrested in Pennsylvania after his mother found the headless corpse. His social media shows a long history of troubling far-right conspiracy theories and talking points.
Mack Lamoureux
Tess Owen

Iranian Drug Dealer Hired Hells Angels for US Assassination: Court Docs

Naji Sharifi Zindashti, allegedly on behalf of Iranian intelligence services, tried to hire Canadians Damion Ryan and Adam Pearson, to kill two people.
Mack Lamoureux

Canadian Military Screwed Themselves By Targeting Sex Worker Offering Discount to Soldiers

The Canadian Armed Forces is getting first hand experience in the Streisand Effect after allegedly threatening the escort and any of the soldiers who use her services.
Mack Lamoureux

Neo-Nazi Fight Clubs Have Gone Dark Since Terror Arrests in Canada

The once-growing movement appears to be laying low following the arrests of two of their leaders.
Mack Lamoureux

US Military Veterans Are Increasingly Turning to Extremism: DOD Report

A study released by the Department of Defence found that veterans being involved in extremism is a growing problem.
Mack Lamoureux

It's Not Even a Week Into 2024 and There's a School Shooting Conspiracy

Conspiracy theorists think that a shooting that killed a sixth grader was really a coverup to protect Democrats from the recent Jeffrey Epstein revelations.
Mack Lamoureux

NFL’s Most Terminally Online Quarterback in Trouble for Linking Talk-Show Host to ‘Epstein List’

Aaron Rodgers connected Jimmy Kimmel to Epstein on a popular ESPN show, leading the talk-show host to say the conspiracy-loving quarterback’s claims “put my family in danger.”
Mack Lamoureux

It’s Been a Truly Awful Week of Antisemitism in America

There were almost 200 swatting incidents on Jewish organizations, and several children were arrested for planning attacks on synagogues.
Mack Lamoureux