Kurt Poropatich


Do Not Try This in London: A Video Guide to 'The Anarchist Cookbook'

From Cairo to Vancouver to Anonymous to London, breaking the system apart is what the cool kids are doing this summer. Forty years ago, angst over domestic turmoil left behind by the Vietnam War led an American named William Powell to write a guidebook...
Kurt Poropatich
Motherboard Blog

When Resonance Attacks

On July 5th, a 39-story office/shopping center building in Seoul, South Korea started to shake rapidly. For ten minutes vertical tremors violently rocked the building, causing an immediate evacuation of the premises. After the shaking subsided...
Kurt Poropatich
Motherboard Blog

NASA's Plea for Future Work

_42 years after man set foot on the moon, the future of our space program is struggling not to slip._ The Space Shuttle has its last foot out the door, the funding for the James Webb telescope (supposed Hubble replacer) has "just been canned":http...
Kurt Poropatich
Motherboard Blog

The Spectacle of the Space Shuttle

The launch of Space Shuttle Atlantis this Friday marks the end of a technological and national era. In the 30 years of NASA's space shuttle program, six orbiters were built, 135 launches occurred, 355 astronauts went for the ride, and 14 never came...
Kurt Poropatich
Motherboard Blog

There's Life in the Cosmos, Just Not the Will To Find It

_7/25/11 Update: The website "SetiStars":https://setistars.org/ is currently having a public donation challenge to make over $200,000 in the next few weeks_ Last month, the alien-hunting Allen Telescope Array (ATA) in northern California went...
Kurt Poropatich
Motherboard Blog

The Kid Who is Single-Handedly Making NASA Cool Again: A Q+A

Given what it's got to promote, NASA sucks at marketing itself. If the space agency were a guy in your high school he’d be that awkward loner who everyone loves for doing awesome stuff like hacking the school’s website to post an impromptu snow day.
Kurt Poropatich
Motherboard Blog

To Sell $100 Worth of Viagra, a Spammer Needs to Send 12.5 Million Messages

In other words, you’d have to not only email everyone in Chicago but the entire state of Illinois in order to sell a handful of Viagra bottles. That expenditure may seem costly, but consider that 80% of spam is distributed by "botnets":http://en...
Kurt Poropatich
Motherboard Blog

Space Shuttle Endeavour's Sci-Fi Close Up

A couple of nights ago, astronauts on the International Space Station were able to capture these incredible long exposure photographs of the youngest craft in the shuttle fleet.
Kurt Poropatich
Motherboard Blog

These TV Ads for the Azerbaijani Bank that Helps Fund the World's Spam Look A Lot Like Spam

If your bank is one of the few in the world that would process the transactions of the email spam underworld, you might not want to draw attention to yourself with advertisements that look like the brainchildren of Donald Trump and Uday Hussein...
Kurt Poropatich