Khalid El Khatib


Instagays, Unfiltered

With thousands of followers, extravagant lifestyles and nonstop gym selfies, Instagays are easy to envy. But their rise marks a gay cultural shift, prompting big questions about what all those innocent snapshots might mean.
Khalid El Khatib

A March for Chechnya This Weekend Rallied All of Gay Instagram

Hundreds gathered in New York Saturday to march against Chechnya's brutal crackdown on LGBTQ citizens, drawn largely through social media. Can their voice inspire more than double taps?
Khalid El Khatib

Can 'Will & Grace' Do for Queers Today What the Original Did for Me?

The show had a lasting impact on young queer people like me. But that impact touched a limited scope of the LGBTQ community—and the bar is higher for the reboot today.
Khalid El Khatib

The Program Offering Southern LGBTQ Youth a New Life in Provincetown

At Summer of Sass, kids get a chance to see how much better it gets, with the chance to live and work in a community that accepts them.
Khalid El Khatib

The Agony and Ecstasy of Fire Island

The island, contrary to what you've heard, isn't all high tea and low-blow drama—there's a lot of humanity to it.
Khalid El Khatib

'When We Rise' Hammers Home the 'We' of the LGBTQ Community

The series, premiering Monday on ABC, undoes Hollywood missteps when it comes to LGBTQ stories while providing a blueprint for progress.
Khalid El Khatib

What It Feels Like to March as the Spirit of a Gun Violence Victim

Demonstrations by the protest group Gays Against Guns feature veiled stand-ins for shooting victims, dressed all in white, silently marching to represent their spirit.
Khalid El Khatib

Why Are There So Few Resources for Gay Muslims Online?

What resources do exist online are sparse, and don't present the best narrative for gay Muslim lives.
Khalid El Khatib

Gay People Tell Us the Questions They Absolutely Hate Being Asked

From former NBA player Jason Collins to porn star Tayte Hanson, gay men and women tell us the funniest, dumbest, and least enlightened questions they've gotten.
Khalid El Khatib