Julia Pugachevsky


What to Say if People Pressure You to 'Make Up' With Your Estranged Family

As the holidays approach, you might be steeling yourself for the usual “Why don’t you just give them a call?” comments.
Julia Pugachevsky

What to Do If You're Dreading a Whole Month at Home for the Holidays

While staying with your folks from Thanksgiving through the end of the year might make logistical sense, it's a whole other story emotionally.
Julia Pugachevsky
personal finance

How to Look for a Job When Everything Feels Hopeless

The economy is in the toilet and there's a pandemic happening, but somehow we are still expected to look for work.
Julia Pugachevsky

How to Break Up With Someone You're Isolating With

You can't just end things, go have a drink with friends, and then crash with simply whomever right now. Here's what to do instead.
Julia Pugachevsky

What to Do If You're Worried About Never Having Been in a Relationship

Not having much romantic experience in your late 20s can lead you to wonder if that's normal. So... is it?
Julia Pugachevsky

How to Get Rid of an Agonizing Crush on the Exact Wrong Person

Weirdly, avoiding them can make your feelings even more intense.
Julia Pugachevsky

How a List of Grievances Saved Me From a Breakup

Our relationship was harmed with a series of small cuts, and if we had to read aloud all our messy feelings formatted in neat bullet points, it was worth a try.
Julia Pugachevsky

How Gross Is It if I Don’t Always Wash My Sex Toys Right Away?

It's understandable to not want to jump up to start doing cleanup the moment after you come... but skipping it is really, really not worth the risk.
Julia Pugachevsky