John Robertson

The Game That Made Me

'Championship Manager' Helped Me Adapt to My Adoption

It was one of those rare games that brought the mini-jocks and nerds together at school, and made my life a lot less difficult.
John Robertson

How 'Memoranda' Successfully Brings Haruki Murakami's Surrealism into a Video Game

Translating literature into a game is difficult. 'Memoranda' developer Bit Byterz succeeds by focusing on the big picture.
John Robertson

How 'Memoranda' Successfully Brings Haruki Murakami's Surrealism into a Video Game

Translating literature into a game is difficult. 'Memoranda' developer Bit Byterz succeeds by focusing on the big picture.
John Robertson
indie games

How 'Memoranda' Successfully Brings Haruki Murakami's Surrealism into a Video Game

Translating literature into a game is difficult. 'Memoranda' developer Bit Byterz succeeds by focusing on the big picture.
John Robertson

The Student Has Become the Master: Why Yakuza Is Better Than Shenmue

SEGA has produced two of the finest adventure series of all time – but it's only right, now, that we recognise Yakuza has surpassed the iconic Shenmue.
John Robertson

‘FIFA 17’ Is Going All Hollywood on Us with ‘The Journey’ Mode

Play your way to fame as a prodigy with everything to win, and in doing so distance yourself from the gritty reality of modern football.
John Robertson

'LawBreakers' Is Changing the Game for Multiplayer Shooters

Cliff Bleszinski's comeback after leaving the Gears of War series is attempting to shake up multiplayer gaming as we know it.
John Robertson

‘Jalopy’ Examines the Fall of Communism from a Uniquely Personal Perspective

A personal project from designer Greg Pryjmachuk, this is both a physical road trip and a journey into a painful past.
John Robertson

‘Jalopy’ Examines the Fall of European Communism from a Uniquely Personal Perspective

A personal project from designer Greg Pryjmachuk, this is both a physical road trip and a journey into a painful past.
John Robertson
VICE vs Video games

The VICE Gaming Verdict On 'Call of Duty: Black Ops III'

Treyarch has produced a CoD that knows precisely what it's doing, full of new tricks to improve multiplayer performance; but the additions might leave some old-school series fans cold.
John Robertson
vice sports movie club

​We Watched Ronaldo The Movie – And It's As Polished As The Man Himself

The Ronaldo movie is a 92-minute exercise in cementing and exaggerating the Real Madrid star's larger-than-life public persona. What else did you expect?
John Robertson
VICE vs Video games

How 'Pro Evo' Has Become the La Liga of Soccer Games

Konami's series is akin to the Spanish League compared to FIFA's very English style of play.
John Robertson