Johannes Niederhauser


Can the Long History of 'Madness' Help in Our Understanding of Mental Health Today?

We talked to sociologist Andrew Scull about his new book Madness in Civilization, which traces the history of mental health disorders over 3000 years.
Johannes Niederhauser
Johannes Neiderhauser

Philosopher John Gray Believes Humanity's Desire for Freedom Is a Lie

We talked to him about Gnosticism, torture, and the economic crisis.
Johannes Niederhauser

The Futuristic Dystopian Nightmare of '1984' Has Come True: A Conversation With Disappears

The future of Krautrock's lookin' plenty bleak.
Johannes Niederhauser

I Got Kicked Out of America for Having a Guitar

US officials interrogated me for hours, strip-searched me, and eventually put me on a plane back to Europe, all because they suspected me of secretly being a professional musician.
Johannes Niederhauser
Motherboard Blog

Putting a Dollar Sign On Everything Is Really Expensive: A Chat with Michael Sandel

Sandel's latest book, "What Money Can’t Buy," asks the question: “Do we want to live in a society where everything is up for sale? Or are there certain moral and civic goods that markets do not honor and money cannot buy?”
Johannes Niederhauser

Money Is Making Us Dead Inside

Money can be a sneaky thing. Without making too much of a song and dance about it, markets and market thinking have entered spheres of life where they never were before and where, when you think about it, they never really belonged. Michael Sandel is a...
Johannes Niederhauser

An Interview with John Gray: 'Human Progress Is a Lie'

Noted political philosopher, author, and regular contributor to the 'Guardian' and the 'New Statesman' John Gray's latest book is about how the idea of human progress is bullshit, and we're all still just wild beasts with a few fancy toys.
Johannes Niederhauser

Ex-Gold Kids Say There Will Be Blood On The Streets Of Italy

We met ex-Gold Kids, Andrè and Davide, to talk about NATO, why Berlusconi is a dick and, of course, music.
Johannes Niederhauser

If We Don't Fix Our Economy, Europe Will Become China's Disneyland

I spoke to an economist about how fucked Europe is.
Johannes Niederhauser

Whoa, Dude, We're Not Inside a Computer Right Now!

We recently published an interview with a NASA scientist about how likely it is that we're all Sims. You guys loved it for three reasons: 1) It's simple; 2) You smoke waaay too much weed; 3) You don't want to die. But, in reality, comprehending life is...
Johannes Niederhauser