Jillian C. York

internet censorship

Trump’s TikTok Crusade Makes US Censorship Look a Lot Like China’s

The US government is demonstrating that it is no better than the country it has long criticized for its vast censorship apparatus.
Jillian C. York
internet censorship

The Trump Administration Is Attacking Critical Internet Privacy Tools

Trump’s cronies are dismantling the organization that helped give birth to open source tools like Signal and Tor. For activists around the world, the results could be disastrous.
Jillian York
Jillian C. York

Goop’s Horrible Netflix Show Accidentally Makes a Case Against Social Media Censorship

By misidentifying parts of the anatomy she claims to be an expert on, actress and self-appointed lifestyle guru Gwyneth Paltrow demonstrates the damage caused by censoring women’s bodies.
Jillian C. York

Mark Zuckerberg's Promise to Respect Free Expression Is So Far Just Empty Words

Zuckerberg’s speech feels like empty words in the absence of any concrete changes to the company’s questionable policies on speech.
Jillian C. York

A Brief History of YouTube Censorship

For as long as it has existed, YouTube has been under pressure from different governments to remove a wide range of content.
Jillian C. York

Tech Companies' Transparency Efforts May Be Inadvertently Causing More Censorship

When should American companies comply with government censorship requests?
Jillian C. York
online toxicity

Google's Anti-Bullying AI Mistakes Civility for Decency

The culture of online civility is harming us all.
Jillian C. York
Personal Security

How to Use Signal Without Giving Out Your Phone Number: A Gendered Security Issue

Signal should allow users to create aliases. But until it does, you can use a dummy SIM card to protect your phone number.
Jillian C. York
Silicon Valley

Facebook Celebrates Pride, Except Where Homosexuality Is Illegal

If Facebook’s goal is to make the world more open and connected, it could start by treating queer communities with equality.
Jillian C. York

Twitter Suspensions Reveal the Company's Skewed Views on 'Extremism'

Twitter chooses to focus on the faraway spectre of ISIS rather than the neo-Nazis closer to home.
Jillian C. York
Opinion and Analysis

How Many Political Bloggers Need to Be Imprisoned Before the US Reacts?

Political bloggers face persecution and imprisonment in countries all over the world — many of which have close ties to the US.
Jillian C. York