Jack Davies


The Composer of 'Land of Hope and Glory' Would Have Hated Everyone Buying It Today

Edward Elgar's composition has become the latest battleground in the reactionary right's culture wars, but the man himself was totally at odds with the British society that has come to venerate him.
Jack Davies

Could One of the World's Biggest Bank Scandals Be Good for Russia?

Following the disappearance of a billion dollars from three Moldovan banks, protests have spiralled in the country's capital. Russian media is eager to paint the unrest as a Maidan-style revolution.
Jack Davies
Open Water

Refugee Crisis Pits Neighbors Against Each Other in Serbia

The arrival of thousands of refugees every day in an economically depressed Serbian village has awakened the twin impulses of charity and greed in local residents. While many seek to help their new guests, others are turning a profit as people...
Jack Davies

Corruption Allegations Cast Doubt on the EU in Kosovo and Open Old, Deep Wounds

A series of damning leaks could be opening a rift between the EU and its largest foreign mission, and brought new claims about organ trafficking allegations.
Jack Davies

Is Macedonia on the Brink of Another Ethnic Conflict?

After six Albanians were sentenced to life in prison for the murder of five ethnic Macedonians in a trial that observers on both sides have suggested wouldn't have held up in any other court, angry Albanians have been protesting in the capital.
Jack Davies

The Arson Might Have Stopped, But Bosnians Still Want Change

Protesters are out every day on the streets of Sarajevo.
Jack Davies

Police Are Breaking Students' Bones in Kosovo

A sit-in to protest a bunch of professors allegedly lying about their credentials has turned violent thanks to the cops. The student demonstrators claim that this fight against petty university corruption is a fight against the country's entire rotten...
Jack Davies

Drugs, Gangs, and Ignorance Are Holding Kosovo Back

Last week, an elected official was gunned down outside his home in Northern Kosovo. The killing, which everyone is desperately trying to avoid calling an assassination, is the latest in a series of undesirable things to have happened within the country...
Jack Davies
Jack Davies, Photos: Chloe Forsyth

The Man Behind the World's Most Famous Fake Vagina

Steve Shubin wants us to talk more about touching ourselves. He's baffled as to why dildos have become an acceptable brunch conversation topic while male sex toys remain taboo.
Jack Davies

I Spent a Month Living in a Romanian Sexcam Studio

If the internet had a designated red light district, it would be Romania, where there are currently an estimated 2,000 studios in operation, all beaming images of masturbating models to a mostly American audience of lonely men.
Jack Davies