Ezra Kaplan and Jin Wu


Colombia's Big Plans for Medical Marijuana Are Going to Screw Mom-and-Pop Growers

New laws are seeking to turn Colombia into a leading global supplier of marijuana-based medicines look set to push established small-scale businesses out of the game.
Ezra Kaplan and Jin Wu
defense & security

NATO is Two Properties Away From a Baltic Monopoly, and Russia Is Freaking Out

Sweden and Finland may be getting closer to joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as Russia continues its aggressive posturing in the Baltic Sea.
Ezra Kaplan and Jin Wu
war and conflict

Bulgaria to Russian Military Aircraft: 'You Shall Not Pass!'

Bulgaria's refusal to let Russian military supply flights travel through its airspace on their way to Syria won't stop the flights — but it will make them take a whole lot longer.
Ezra Kaplan and Jin Wu
defense & security

Philippine Gov't Invites Former Occupying Military Powers Back to Ward Off China

Despite having been invaded by both Japan and the US, the Philippine government is growing closer to those countries as its dispute with China over islands in the South China Sea simmers.
Ezra Kaplan and Jin Wu
defense & security

Russia Is Now Vulnerable to Surprise Nuclear Attack

Russia does not currently have warning satellites able to detect an incoming nuclear missile strike — but that doesn't mean the US would come out of a fight without getting its hair mussed.
Ezra Kaplan and Jin Wu

Flexing Its Military Might, Russia Is Pushing Sweden Into NATO's Arms

Russian aggression in Ukraine and military adventures in the Baltics are pushing Sweden to abandon its long-standing neutrality.
Ezra Kaplan and Jin Wu