Ernie Smith

Tech news

Google Extends Chromebook Life by 2 Years After Right-to-Repair Campaign

Chromebooks have an expiration date, contributing to e-waste. Now, Google has extended their shelf life from 8 years to 10.
Ernie Smith

The Linux Community Is Circumventing Red Hat's Controversial New Strategy

Red Hat’s recent decision to restrict the source code for its enterprise Linux build has led open-source projects big and small to come up with creative strategies to continue to serve their users.
Ernie Smith
terms of service

Voice Actor Turns Instagram's Terms of Service Into 51-Minute Sleep Aid

The TLDR Institute’s Legal Lullabies aims to make Instagram’s terms of service into a sleep aid. It works surprisingly well.
Ernie Smith
Red Hat

The Red Hat Drama Is Highlighting Open Source Software's Growing Pains

Recent moves by the open-source software company Red Hat point at a growing divide between commercial Linux users and the noncommercial community that supports them.
Ernie Smith

2,200 Forgotten Vintage Computers Are Being Liberated From a Barn in Massachusetts

The NABU Network was an obscure, forgotten part of Canadian tech history—until the day the internet noticed that thousands of NABU machines were being sold on eBay at rock-bottom prices.
Ernie Smith

Google’s Plan to Delete Inactive Accounts Shows the Internet Isn't Forever

The company’s strategy of killing inactive accounts after two years shows the real risk of having one account for everything if the goal is to keep your content online forever.
Ernie Smith

Archive Team Races to Save a Billion Imgur Files Before Porn Deletion Apocalypse

It's not just porn: As a major deadline hits, archivists are speeding up their efforts to backup Imgur, and are asking for help from the community to archive the last batch of images.
Ernie Smith

Apple Is Trying to Compete With Adobe’s Creative Cloud Dominance

By pricing its popular pro-level apps with a reasonable monthly subscription model on the iPad, the company could set the stage for new generations of users that might feel priced out by Adobe.
Ernie Smith

Popular IKEA Chair Turns Computer Monitor Off, Baffling Everyone

A programmer was confused when his office chair started zapping his 4K monitor. Then he found other people complaining about the same problem.
Ernie Smith

The Imgur Apocalypse Is Going to Break Large Parts of the Internet

It’s not just porn that’s getting deleted from Imgur. Millions of images that are embedded elsewhere will also eventually be taken down.
Ernie Smith

Chromebooks Are Trash (Literally)

A new report from U.S. PIRG finds that Chromebooks’ cheap design and short lifespan means people are treating them as disposable, and is creating piles of ewaste.
Ernie Smith
Pirate Radio

FCC Going After Pirate Radio Station Operating From Portland Church

The Biden administration seems newly obsessed on taking down pirate radio stations around the country.
Ernie Smith