Elizabeth Ballou

Games Features

How 'Hades' Actors Made the Internet Horny for Their Voices

Voice acting doesn't turn performers into audio sex symbols very often, but the cast of 'Hades' is finding out what it's like.
Elizabeth Ballou

The YouTubers Keeping Pets Entertained During the Pandemic

With pets stuck inside for months with no escape from their owners, "pet TV" has become a booming YouTube genre.
Elizabeth Ballou
Games Features

'Astrologaster' Asks if Bad Medicine Can Make a Good Doctor

An historical comedy of astrological medicine in a time of plague has surprising insight about the problems of modern healthcare.
Elizabeth Ballou
Games Features

How a Bizarre VR Festival Encapsulated NYU's Awful COVID-19 Response

NYU’s Grad Alley, a virtual reality graduation celebration, can’t cover up its response to coronavirus.
Elizabeth Ballou

What It's Like When Gaming Helps You Get Sober

Four people working toward sobriety describe their insights from the games that have helped them the most with addiction.
Elizabeth Ballou
Games Features

The Walking Sim Is a Genuinely New Genre, And No One Fully Understands It

Nobody set out to make one of this decade's most influential styles of game. It just happened. What's next?
Elizabeth Ballou
Games Feature

How a Young Adult Author Got Her Start Writing 'Pride and Prejudice' Fanfic About Neopets

Trying to escape the colonial baggage of English literature, Jordan Ifueko took her fantasies to Neopia.
Elizabeth Ballou
Games Features

How an Augmented Reality Game Escalated into Real-World Spy Warfare

She led hundreds of real people on secret missions for a make-believe cause.
Elizabeth Ballou