Elaisha Stokes


Tipping Point

California Is Still in a Drought, But These Residents Say It's Time to Water the Gardens Again

After four years of devastating drought, some California reservoirs are back to normal, but conservationists warn that it would be a mistake to lift water restrictions.
Elaisha Stokes
Tipping Point

We're Changing the Climate at an 'Unprecedented' Rate

The rate of change to Earth's climate is unlike any time in modern history, says the World Meteorological Organization, as US and UK researchers say carbon emissions are higher than in 66 million years.
Elaisha Stokes

30 Years After the Chernobyl Disaster, Locals Are Still Eating Radioactive Food

Next month marks the anniversary of one of the worst nuclear accidents in history and researchers have found dangerously high levels of radioactivity in grains, milk, and other foods consumed in Ukraine and Russia.
Elaisha Stokes
Tipping Point

The Drought That Preceded Syria's Civil War Was Likely the Worst in 900 Years

The drought collapsed agricultural yields and livestock herds, driving as many as 1.5 million Syrians from rural areas into cities, where resources were already scarce.
Elaisha Stokes

SeaWorld Says Its Spies Will No Longer Infiltrate Animal Rights Groups

People for the Ethnical Treatment of Animals says that SeaWorld infiltrators encouraged members to commit arson at the theme park and drain animal tanks.
Elaisha Stokes

Seattle-Area Salmon Are Loaded With Anti-Depressants and Other Drugs Thanks to Human Waste

Researchers have found high levels of pharmaceuticals in the waters and fish of Puget Sound — and that could cause problems for humans, too.
Elaisha Stokes

Monitoring Sick Animals in the Wild Could Be the Key to Preventing the Next Ebola Outbreak

Over half of infectious diseases originate in animals, yet early warning signs, like seizures or deaths in poultry or primate populations, are rarely monitored, say biologists in a new study.
Elaisha Stokes

Poaching and Civil War Aren't the Only Threats to Africa's Dwindling Population of Mountain Gorillas

The Ebola outbreak highlights how disease can spread from animals to humans; but it's a problem that cuts both ways.
Elaisha Stokes

How the Democratic Republic of Congo Fought A Different Ebola Outbreak

As the Ebola outbreak in West Africa continues to spread, the country that has experienced the most outbreaks of the virus ever appears to have halted another one.
Elaisha Stokes