Devin Schiff

festivals 2016

It Doesn't Matter What You Say About Brian Wilson, Because He's Brian Wilson

The Beach Boy performed 'Pet Sounds' in Chicago. Was it the greatest performance? Eh. But who cares—it's motherfucking Brian Wilson!
Devin Schiff
Opowieści o heroicznej odwadze

What Would You Eat? A Depressing Dining Experience at the Dave Matthews Band Restaurant

Admittedly, my previous DMB experience was mostly just that lots of people I went to high school with loved him. I needed time to explore Dave—and to let Dave explore me.
Devin Schiff
Longreads Or Whatever

In the Streaming Era, Should Musicians Be Thinking Like Startups?

In the war to win streaming, services are highlighting their analytics features to appeal to artists. Is it time for those artists to get on board and disrupt themselves with data?
Devin Schiff
Objectively Correct Lists

A 100 Percent Accurate Guide to What Will Happen in Music in 2015

U2 will release an album directly into your bloodstream, Jaden Smith will fuse with President Obama, and we will create something called "thinktweets."
Devin Schiff
Deep Ass Questions

I Can't Wait For Death Cab for Cutie's 'Plans' to Turn Ten and Become a Classic: Looking Back on What We’ll Probably Remember

Just what will become apparent in the next year or so that will make Plans a critically agreed-upon classic by the time it turns ten?
Devin Schiff
Deep Ass Questions

Can Music Save the Struggling NFL?

The music industry has more money than it knows what to do with. Artists at all levels are loaded with cash. The NFL needs that money.
Devin Schiff
Lollapalooza 2014

What I Cannot Unsee, or, a Treatise on the Strange Behaviors of the Creatures at Lollapalooza

Lollapalooza is known for its long lines and attendees' general idiocy, so we found a traveler from the 18th century to see what he thinks of the absurd modern era music festival.
Devin Schiff
an 18th Century Traveler
Lollapalooza 2014

Chance the Rapper and Vic Mensa Took Over Lollapalooza and Gave the Festival What It Needed: Chicago

Save Money's stars had a home court advantage at Lollapalooza, and they did everything they could with it and more.
Devin Schiff
Lollapalooza 2014

Eminem Did the Unexpected and Gave Lollapalooza Exactly What They Wanted

He's made a career out of fucking with people's expectations but at Lollapalooza he fulfilled them.
Devin Schiff
Pitchfork Festival 2014

Pitchfork Festival, Reviewed Through Inanimate Objects

From freshly cut hair to condom balloons to Stuff in general, these were the literal things that made Pitchfork unforgettable.
Devin Schiff
Pitchfork Festival 2014

Pitchfork Festival Preview: Can I Sleep Through This Band's Set?

As you make your festival itinerary, there’s only one question that really matters.
Devin Schiff
Longreads Or Whatever

GO AEROSMITH: How "Head First" Became the First Digitally Downloadable Song 20 Years Ago Today

In 1994, the Internet was a primitive version of what we're familiar with today, and there sure wasn't Soundcloud or Spotify.
Devin Schiff