Desiree Leong

Doomsday Preppers

Welcome to Singapore, Where New Apartments Come With Bomb Shelters

As you'd imagine, everyone fills them with junk.
Desiree Leong
Strange Times

Cat Killings, Murders, Bizarre Accidents. What the Hell Is Up With Singapore's Devil's Ring?

If something strange happens in Singapore, there's a good chance it happened in Yishun.
Desiree Leong
Get Rich Quick

The Days of Easy Money Exporting Baby Milk Powder Are Over

People like Jessica once made good money sending Australian products to China. We visited her warehouse to hear why that's changing.
Desiree Leong

Being an International Student Is a Minefield of Stereotypes and Misconceptions

Five students in Melbourne explain how it's hard to make friends and everyone thinks they're rich.
Katherine Gillespie
Desiree Leong

Surreal Lava Landscapes From Hawaii's Big Island

"To get the best shots, you have to take the risks.”
Desiree Leong

Australia’s Early Colonists Were Sex-Crazed Freaks

In his books "Girt" and "True Girt," author David Hunt explores Joseph Banks' passion for swinging, among other historical oddities.
Desiree Leong

Scott Williams Photographs Melbourne Like it's Some Lynchian Dreamscape

We sat down with Australian photographer Scott Williams to talk about the inspiration and technique behind his Lynchian Dreamscape photography.
Desiree Leong
Weed Week

We Asked People Who've Never Smoked Weed What They Think Weed is Like

"I might think I could fly, like just drop off a building or something, you never know."
Desiree Leong