David Mora


The US Admitted a Group of Russians at the Border Under Secret Deal With Mexico

The opaque agreement offered to the Russian asylum seekers is highly unusual.
David Noriega
David Mora

Ukrainians Are Getting Across the US-Mexico Border. But Russians Fleeing Putin Are Not.

“This isn’t a system of humanitarian protection — it’s an arbitrary roll of the die.”
David Noriega
David Mora
Ani Ucar

These Migrants Made It Over the Border. Then They Were Killed in Phoenix.

Families ask if human traffickers were behind the killings of two men and a teen who were all from the same Mexican town.
David Mora

US-Trained Cops in Mexico Killed Migrants, Set Them on Fire, Say Prosecutors

New evidence obtained by VICE World News paints a chilling picture of the killing of 19 migrants near the U.S border in January.
Emily Green
David Mora
ICE raids

Deported to Death

The father of three, and grandfather of four, had been attempting to return to his home in Mississippi. He was killed in a massacre at the border.
David Mora
Emily Green

Mexican Police Accused of Slaying Over a Dozen Guatemalan Migrants

Security forces in Mexico have a long history of corruption and collusion with criminal groups. The investigation of a massacre of 19 people last month has implicated local police officers.
Emily Green
David Mora

19 Burned Bodies Found Near the US-Mexico Border May Include Teen Migrants

The killing of migrants passing through Mexico on their way to the United States is common, and justice for the victims is rare.
David Mora
Emily Green

Ecuador Is Dealing With Piles of Bodies as Coronavirus Ravages the Country

Hundreds of bodies of people who died at home had been kept on beds, or the floor, or even outside on the pavement.
David Mora

As Coronavirus Spreads In Venezuela, Some Hospitals Don’t Have Soap. Or Sinks.

“My fear is that we won’t have supplies next week, when cases are expected to spike,” said Maria Eugenia Landaeta, Caracas University’s head of infectious diseases.
Joe Hill
David Mora
Gindel Delgado