Chris Stokel-Walker

I've Been Banned From Almost Every Dating App

It was probably “weaponized reporting” from a scorned date, and it's almost impossible to fix.
Chris Stokel-Walker
internet culture

Behind the Rise of the Online ‘Tradwife’ Movement

Trad ideology doesn't just extend to 1950s housewife videos. It also has sinister connections with right-wing extremism, experts say.
Chris Stokel-Walker

Why Do People Believe Everything They Watch on TikTok?

We're just as bad as boomers falling for misinformation on Facebook.
Chris Stokel-Walker
internet culture

How 'Don't Worry Darling' Became the Internet's Favourite Meme

Not since "The Room" has a movie – albeit one starring Harry Styles, Florence Pugh and Chris Pine – provided this much meme bait.
Chris Stokel-Walker

Why Is Everyone on TikTok Making Butter?

Eye-wateringly expensive Lurpak, meet TikTok algorithm.
Chris Stokel-Walker
Social Media

Inside the Rise of the Niche Twitter Expert

Here's why your timeline has been taken over by specialists touting their knowledge of Russian tank tyres and Ukrainian geopolitics.
Chris Stokel-Walker
ukraine invasion

The Meme-ification of the Ukraine Invasion

Why are people recasting ordinary Ukrainians as Marvel heroes? It's got more to do with internet fandom than you think.
Chris Stokel-Walker

'What Does Seggs Mean?' The Rise of Sex Euphemisms on Social Media

TikTok and Instagram users afraid of shadowbans are coming up with an innovative way of being heard.
Chris Stokel-Walker
the internet

Inside TikTok's Extraordinary 2020

The world spent 2.8 billion hours on TikTok in March alone, with COVID providing a captive audience looking for diversions from a draining news cycle.
Chris Stokel-Walker