Charles Davis

Life Inside

My Wife and Child Died on the Way Home from Visiting Me in Prison

Two weeks later, I got out. Maybe if I had been released just two weeks earlier, none of this would have happened.
Charles Davis

California Lawmakers Want to Limit Police Drones, but Activists Want Them Banned

California lawmakers just passed new limits on how police can use drones, but some argue that only legitimizes their use—and that police shouldn't have them at all.
Charles Davis

Is Obedience the Only Way to Avoid Police Brutality?

People of color are getting so sick of police brutality that even some politicians now says it's time to stop being so obedient.
Charles Davis

The Establishment Turns Against the Drug War

Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, billionaire Richard Branson and a half-dozen ex-presidents say it's time to discuss legalizing drugs. But don't hold your breath waiting for change.
Charles Davis

Why Should We Care What Mitt Romney Has to Say About Foreign Policy?

Mitt Romney thinks America needs to beef up its military and wrote an op-ed to that effect in the Washington Post. But why should we care what some warmongering failed politician has to say about anything?
Charles Davis

Immigrants Are Going to Have to Keep Waiting for Change

Obama promised he would stop deporting so many people. Instead, he's started deporting more, and there's little hope left that he'll live up to his promises before his term ends.
Charles Davis

Liberals Won’t Let the Death Penalty Die

A conservative judge ruled that California's death penalty was "cruel and unusual punishment," but Democrats are refusing to accept the repeal of capital punishment.
Charles Davis

Hollywood's Latest Garbage: Our Tax Dollars at Work

The next time you see an ad for a movie that looks terrible, just know: your tax dollars paid for that.
Charles Davis

The US Government Will No Longer Trick People Into Deporting Themselves

Border Patrol agents have been convincing immigrants to "voluntarily" leave the country by abusing them and threatening their families. They promise to stop doing that.
Charles Davis

The LAPD Thinks It’s at War and Now It Has Drones

Drones were so unpopular in Seattle that the police department there had to give them away. But nobody wants them—not even in Los Angeles, a city that already has helicopters flying overhead every day.
Charles Davis

This Teen Wants to Abolish School as We Know It

Modern schools are like prisons, stifling children's creativity and destroying their will to learn. This 19-year-old, who's already written two books on the subject, says we should get rid of them.
Charles Davis

It’s Not Just Ferguson: Protesting Police Violence in LA

Since 2000, the police in LA have shot and killed more than 500 people. It's in the wake of that violence, disproportionately directed toward poor communities of color, that hundreds of people took to the streets of downtown LA to protest police...
Charles Davis