Ben Johnson

real basketball players

Better Know Your Philadelphia 76ers

The Philadelphia 76ers are going on their third season of being a NBA punchline and debate topic, but they are also a real team made up of real players. These ones.
Ben Johnson

Young Lurch, Torontula, And Other Important Prospective NBA Rookie Nicknames

These suggestions are meant to ensure that basketball fans will never be stuck with another Black Mamba.
Ben Johnson
adults who watch spongebob squarepants

What I Learned from Dwight Howard's Propaganda Documentary

"Dwight Howard: In The Moment" is no better than you would expect an extremely sympathetic documentary about Dwight Howard to be. But we watched it anyway.
Ben Johnson
uncanny valley all-stars

The NBA's All Looks-Like-A-Video-Game-Character Team

From Jodie Meeks's too-perfect head to Ramon Sessions's unrealistically precise goatee, these are the NBA players that look the most like video game characters.
Ben Johnson
the internet

The Goofiest Things for Sale on

You can get all kinds of officially licensed NBA merchandise at Why not treat yourself to the Ridiculously Crappy Official Team Toaster kind?
Ben Johnson

Wrigley Field, Chicago, and the Last Inconvenience In Sports

The Chicago Cubs embarrassed themselves when Wrigley Field wasn't ready on Opening Day. The worse news is that what's coming next will be familiar, and worse.
Ben Johnson

Help! I’ve Been Trolled!

My heart is blackened, full of rage, and it is pacing, staring out of my rib cage with vengeance-lit eyes like a newly captured tiger. I want blood. Because I read something stupid. Something has to be done.
Ben Johnson

I Might Have Horrible Taste in Music

Normal human beings don’t do things like investigate the feminist implications of Rihanna just because. Normal human beings hear “Titanium” and either go “oh good” or “change it,” and that decision happens in less than three seconds, and that’s more...
Ben Johnson

Your Scene Is Cashed

All this work and striving and grief is background to a “thing on the internet that rifled around the world and was forgotten forever in a matter of hours,” which is EVERYTHING FROM NOW ON.
Ben Johnson

On the Good Ship Lollipoop

Media coverage of the Carnival Cruise Ship Triumph’s recent ill-fated voyage, which ended in sewage-logged ignominy in Mobile, Alabama last week, says a lot about America’s state of mind.
Ben Johnson

The Nationals Are a Real Baseball Team Now, a Homeless Guy Said So

The Washington Nationals are 100 percent for real. They exist. They are good. How good? Even homeless people in ass-backwards Chicago know about them.
Ben Johnson

The Monopoly-Brand Monopoly Cat Is Coming For Your Eyeballs

The makers of Monopoly switched out the iron with a cat and it made us have an emotional breakdown. Anyhow, there’s a new piece on the Monopoly board, and it’s a kitty cat. Goodbye, Iron, hello, Kitty Cat. Tell your friends. Tweet to the world. Go nuts...
Ben Johnson