Angela Hennessy


Human Trafficking Is Rampant in Canada

Canada has removed 20 members of a massive human trafficking gang and deported them back to their native Hungary.
Angela Hennessy

Human Trafficking Is Rampant in Canada

Government officials are touting the recent bust of a human trafficking ring in Hamilton as evidence that they're on top of the trafficking problem in Canada, but critics say the move barely scratches the surface.
Angela Hennessy

Syrian-Canadians Joined Worldwide Demonstrations Honouring the 100,000 Killed In the Crisis

A campaign by members of the Syrian diaspora around the world—including the United States, France, and Germany—took to the streets last week to publicly read aloud the names of 100,000 victims of the crisis in Syria. We sent Angela Hennessy to visit...
Angela Hennessy

Meet the Nigerian-Canadian Woman Who’s Protesting Against Boko Haram

We interviewed Sonia Aimluwu, a Nigerian woman whose group, African Women Acting, has helped keep the news media focused on Boko Haram's kidnappings of more than 200 Nigerian schoolgirls.
Angela Hennessy

Meet the Woman Taking On Canadian Mining Companies

Canadian mining companies are causing massive travesties in other parts of the world.
Angela Hennessy

Meet the Woman Taking on Canadian Mining Companies

70 percent of the world's mines are owned by Canadian companies, many of which have left a trail of destruction in indigenous communities who have protested their presence. We interviewed Rachel Small, a member of the Mining Injustice Solidarity...
Angela Hennessy

Meet the Topless Protester Who Stormed Parliament Hill Last Week

After anti-abortion lobbyists proposed a motion to criminalize abortion last week, topless FEMEN protesters met Stephen Harper and the Archbishop of Quebec aggressively, leading to a series of arrests and detainments. We interviewed one of the...
Angela Hennessy

Ukraine Is on the Verge of War, and a Presidential Election

The Ukraine is continuing to descend into turmoil as confusion and misinformation reign while violence is intensifying. Here, Angela Hennessy's Storify captures the upheaval.
Angela Hennessy

A Teenager Is Schooling Canadians on the Crisis in Syria

Noor Mamlouk says it is her duty as a human to defend against the atrocities in Syria.
Angela Hennessy

Meet the 17-Year Old Syrian-Canadian Who's Schooling Canadians on the Crisis in Syria

A fearless 17-year-old high school student and Syrian-Canadian named Noor Mamlouk is leading the charge on activism, within Canada, to promote awareness of the Syrian conflict. Recently, she bombarded strangers on the streets of Toronto with images of...
Angela Hennessy

A Breakdown of the #SaveAleppo Campaign, as Explosive Barrels Rain Down in Syria

As reports of explosive barrels raining down on Aleppo ricochet through the media, a social media campaign to #SaveAleppo is trending worldwide. Here's a breakdown of the carnage, as told through Storify.
Angela Hennessy

The Crimean Referendum as Told Through Social Media

Under the obvious duress and threat of military occupation, the people of Crimea overwhelmingly voted 'yes' in a referendum questioning whether or not they should rejoin Russia yesterday. The UN and many world leaders have said they will not recognize...
Angela Hennessy