Andrew Connelly


After the Beirut Blast, Impoverished Lebanese Attempt Boat Journeys to Europe

Earlier this month, Nizar Mohammad and a group of around 50 others crammed into a smuggler’s boat near the El Mina harbour.
Andrew Connelly

Europe Is Keeping Refugees Trapped in Libya, Where They're Tortured and Exploited

The UN and European courts have deemed it illegal for migrants to be sent back to Libya, but governments have found a loophole to get around it.
Andrew Connelly

Desperation on the Greek Border as Europe Threatens to Shut its Doors

VICE News visited Greece's northern border, which the European Union is threatening to effectively seal off if the country does not stem the flow of refugees.
Andrew Connelly

How Volunteers From All Over the World Have Transformed the Refugee Crisis on Lesbos

We went to the Greek island of Lesbos to meet the hordes of people from all over the world who have gone to to try to help after being horrified by what they were seeing on the news.
Andrew Connelly

From Chaos to Calm: 24 Hours With Migrants and Refugees in Macedonia

The situation on Macedonia’s southern border briefly resembled a low-level war zone as police tried to stop thousands of people from entering.
Andrew Connelly

'Refugees Will Break the Wall': On the Frontlines of Hungary’s Immigration Fence

VICE News visited the latest fence around Fortress Europe — between Hungary and Serbia. Right-wing politicians argue that it is vital to keep out migrants, but for now it can also just be walked around.
Andrew Connelly

Possible Greece Bailout Deal Emerges as Pro-European Greeks Rally in Athens

Greece's European creditors are now evaluating a new bailout proposal of $59 billion, which may stop a possible 'Grexit' from the Eurozone. On Thursday, pro-euro protestors gathered in Athens.
Andrew Connelly

Some Nostalgic Greeks Want to Quit the Euro and Bring Back Their Old Currency

After the resounding “No” vote on the bailout referendum, uncertainty, confusion, and the ever-present lines at ATMs have returned in Greece.
Andrew Connelly

Greeks Divided as Polls Close in Hotly Contested Referendum

Millions of Greeks cast ballots in a referendum that may determine the country’s economic survival and its future in Europe.
Andrew Connelly

'This Is Dignity?': Confusion and Anger Reign on the Streets of Athens

VICE News is in the Greek capital ahead of Sunday's momentous referendum, where the opposing camps are making their voices heard and simultaneous rallies will be held tonight.
Andrew Connelly

'Even God Forgot This Place': Welcome to the Oilfields of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan spent billions to host the European Games, but residents of the area that provides much of the country’s wealth live anything but a life of luxury. VICE News visited the Balakhani oilfields.
Andrew Connelly

Azerbaijan Hosts Extravagant European Games Ceremony Amid Allegations of Censorship and Despotism

A spectacle that included Lady Gaga and a giant floating pomegranate wasn’t enough to overshadow the controversy over Azerbaijan’s disturbing human rights record.
Andrew Connelly