This story is over 5 years old.


Animated Portraits Imagine Birds Of A Parallel Universe

Artist Rick Silva creates a series of abstract digital birds in his surreal new project.

US-based Brazilian artist Rick Silva, whose work is often inspired by organic forms, has created a series of animated portraits of imagined virtual birds for his piece The Silva Field Guide to Birds of a Parallel Future. The series features 18 different videos of surreal depictions of birds (or abstracted parts of them) in flight—triangulated forms and psychedelic ripples glide through the air and soaring neon eagles leave colored trails.


To accompany these computer-generated images of animals from a "non-Euclidean world" is a short story by musician and Motherboard contributor Claire L. Evans about an ornithologist who encounters a strange nest while out doing field research on the Oregon coast. This nest is found to contain an unknown type of bird, a "warped, mechanical thing with opalescent planes where its wings should be."

As Silva previously told us he sees "technology as nature" and the half-organic, digital meditations in this latest project are a continuation of that idea. Check out some of the animations below and you can find the rest here.


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