This story is over 5 years old.


You Should Watch This: MAYa's Video for "We Shall Not Disappear"

Experimental artist MAYa releases her stunning new video. You'll never look at birthday cake, or cucumbers, the same way.

MAYa we shall not disappear from MAYa Hardinge on Vimeo.

On the one hand I'm all for lo-fi and looking like you just rolled outta bed and onto the stage, but I'm much more in favor of an artist who thinks about their work 360 degrees. Maya Hardinge really takes it to another level with her project MAYa. It's not just about whacking a few songs up on soundcloud, but rather MAYa is a long-running four EP project, each contains four songs, the breakdown of which runs so:


Y -10-inch vinyl (2007)

A - 10-inch vinyl (2010)

M - video only (2012)

a - video only (2014)

Originally hailing from the UK but now based in NYC (via a formative two year sojourn living on a bus and traveling to Afghanistan) Hardinge's work is spectral, experimental, and at times, impressionistic. Her music and visuals are often a collaboration with like-minded artists, her vocals whisper wraith-like over minimalist compositions.

Premiering above is "We Shall Not Disappear," the third video from her a EP. The song is an unsettling melange of cello and lightly coaxed dulcimer, with vocals akin to Karin from The Knife. Meanwhile, the visual accompaniment is stunning. Shot over a four month period in a studio and upstate NY, this video marks the fourth collaboration with director Sebastian Mlynarski. Inspired in part by various self-inflicted beauty regimens—oh the tyranny of modern beauty!—the video is a feast of sensual close-ups, including impeccably shot and lit juxtapositions of the female form and nature. Like a high fashion surrealist photoshoot teased into glorious motion.

For more of MAYa's videos.

For more of MAYa's music.

Kim will be bathing in birthday cakes later this evening. She's on Twitter - @theKTB.