This story is over 5 years old.

Save Yourselves

Hey London, Come See VICE's New Climate Film, 'Make the World Greta Again'

VICE, i-D and UKSCN are throwing a Fridays for Future climate strike after-party tonight, and you're all invited.
Come See VICE's New Climate Film 'Make the World Greta Again'
Photo: Chris Bethell

There's an old saying that goes: "There's only one thing better than taking action on behalf of the continued existence of the planet as we know it, and that's: taking action and then going to a party afterwards."

So, after today's climate strike, VICE, i-D and UKSCN will be throwing an official after-party, where we'll also be screening our brand new film about Fridays for Future and its founder Greta Thunberg, Make the World Greta Again.

From 4PM until 8PM at east London's Oval Space, we'll be celebrating Fridays for Future with speakers, DJs, food and a photography exhibition from i-D, with the screening starting at 5PM sharp.

Make the World Greta Again follows Thunberg and the organisers of Fridays for Future in the lead-up to the first global school climate strike on the 15th of March, 2019, which up to 1.6 million students took part in. This unprecedented global movement grew from one person making a small change – Thunberg skipping school in August of 2018 to protest outside Swedish parliament – and has since become a global phenomenon.

This is a 14+ event on Friday the 24th of May at Oval Space. Limited tickets are available here.