This story is over 5 years old.


Skydiving GoPro Mishap Quickly Gets Psychedelic

When a GoPro camera falls off the skydiver who was wearing it, the result is 100% triple-distilled NOPE, with an edge of hallucinogen-induced nausea.

It is not hard to explain what happens in the video above, and I can prove it. A skydiver pulls a GoPro camera onto his helmet, jumps out of a stupid plane like a dang idiot, and enjoys a few minutes of awesome-looking actual flight. At which point the GoPro camera falls off his helmet and makes a whirling and extremely rapid descent towards earth, where it (rather shockingly) is not vaporized on impact and instead comes to rest in a meadow; we know all this because, per BoingBoing, the person who discovered the camera uploaded the footage onto YouTube. See, that wasn't difficult at all. Took like two minutes.

And yet, while that is what happens in the video, it is not what you will experience if you decide to take the psychedelic death plunge that begins in the video once the camera is detached. That journey, in which the camera spins at a crazy rate and the ground goes kaleidoscopic and strange as it rushes up, is one that you can only take yourself. It is a little bit nauseating, to be honest, and probably not something that people with seizure disorders will enjoy very much. But it is about as disorienting a hallucinogen experience as you can have without putting anything into your body that'll hang out in your spinal column for an extended period.

With that in mind, here is a suitable Wooden Shjips song to listen to while you watch the video and explore the inner realms of your mind/faint queasiness. It should help you get more out of the moment when the ghostly phoenix emerges somewhere around the two-minute mark.

There you go.